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Washington's Top News
App links Maryland nonprofit with donors to help domestic violence victims
Those interested in helping domestic violence victims can make all sorts of charitable donations, but Arleen Joell thinks the Safe Night app might be the most immediate she has come across.
“People often say, ‘What can I do to help in this situation?’ And downloading the app is kind of a passive act that people can do anonymously if they want,” Joell said. “It’s just helping a person get out of harm’s way immediately.”
AFRO the Black Media Authority
Local Organization Launches App to Keep Domestic Violence Survivors Safe
“This summer, the Community Advocates for Family and Youth (CAFY) launched SafeNight, an app that will help users fund hotel stays for survivors. “Up until this point, if someone had to leave immediately for fear of threat, harm or sanity, we always had to say ‘Okay, what’s the game plan?’ because we could only do one night and sometimes three. But using SafeNight, we’re engaging the community to help resolve the problem,” Arleen Joell, founder and executive director of CAFY, told the AFRO.”
CBS San Francisco
Mobile App Connects Victims Of Violence With Safe Spaces
“What she and her team at Caravan put together is an app called “SafeNight.” It’s designed to connect people who are trying to escape violence with shelters in the area that can help.”
Beyond Words
7 Apps that Keep Social Good in the Palm of Your Hand
“Domestic violence is unpredictable and shelters fill up quickly. SafeNight is a new app where you can help pay for someone’s safe night out of an abusive situation. From the app you can make an immediate donation to help fund a hotel room for the night, for someone who otherwise has no place to go to escape an abusive situation.”
Smart Phone App Helps Secure Rooms for Domestic Violence Survivors
“Almost every domestic violence shelter in North Texas is at capacity. But a Frisco woman is among a handful of people helping the situation by using the SafeNight app.
On Wednesday night, there were 13 battered women in Collin, Dallas and Denton counties that shelters were trying to find emergency hotel rooms for. The people paying for those rooms used the app to do so.”
CBS Dallas Fort Worth
San Francisco-Based Organization Named Finalist in Partnership for Freedom
"Innovation Competition Seeks New Ideas to Support Human Trafficking Survivors in the United StatesSan Francisco-based organization Caravan Studios, a division of TechSoup Global, has been named as a finalist in the first round of the Partnership for Freedom, a competition seeking innovative ideas to better care for survivors of modern-day slavery in the United States. Its proposal was submitted in collaboration with Dallas-based Aidmatrix Foundation."
Charities Try New Ways to Test Ideas Quickly and Polish Them Later
"A year ago, a division of TechSoup Global began working on an app to allow donors to buy hotel room for victims of domestic violence when no other shelter is available. Now that app is a finalist in a competition run by a foundation that combats human trafficking..."
The Chronicle of Philanthropy
Nonprofit Tech for Good
6 Clever Mobile Apps Created by Nonprofits
"All launched in 2014, the mobile apps listed below created by nonprofits clearly demonstrate that nonprofits are evolving in their approach to mobile apps."
Read more in Nonprofit Tech for Good